06 August 2012


I was watching the television and there was a commercial about free haircuts at JCPenney for kids in grades Kindergarten to Sixth grade. So I checked it out online and it was the truth!! Who would have known?? I called the number (855-JCP-KIDS) and gave her the information and the salon contacted me with my appointment times. Pretty cool.

Anywho... Kira has been on me as of late to take her to get her hair cut as she is over the snarls and the fact she can never get them out herself and she thinks I am a little too rough when I do it. I really am gentle... she is a drama queen.

So here was her lovely hair this morning before we headed out to the salon.

Had to get a front shot as well. So pretty.... and so fifth grade.

Alex was on one side of the salon and Kira was on the other. As I looked over I saw this pile of my baby girls hair laying on the floor. sniff sniff. I will miss it but I know she will not.

And here she is after. I don't think her smile could get any bigger. She is quite happy with it and for that I am happy. But still sad that her long hair is once again gone. And I am not one bit happy that she now looks like she is going into sixth grade!!

Side shot which didn't turn out that great but still shows how short it now is.

Another painful moment today. I picked her up a pair of skinny jeans while we were in JCPenney... from the JUNIORS DEPARTMENT!! Big time major mommy sigh. I am not ready to be buying her clothes from the Junior Department. But they were cute jeans and I found a shirt to match and it will be a wonderful grown up outfit for her.


  1. Wowy! I had NO idea her hair was that long! Taylan's is heading to that length too, so now I'm curious if I'm going to have an entire Kira clone in a year!! Cut off the long hair, get a shorter cut, head to 6th grade, and get skinny jeans????!!!! You, my dear, will be heading out here to help me if that's the case!! ;->

  2. Let me know!! We can get through this together. Deep breaths.

  3. Awwww.. LOL She looks great though :) She is growing up!! They grow up so fast! Bailey starts 6th grade next week!! I can't believe it.. and Michael will be in the 8th. I can't believe Taylor is going to be a freshman in college! That makes me feel really old LOL
