26 February 2014

where is your line?

That line in the sand.
The one you say you won't cross.
Where is it?
Is it in place because of your wallet?
Your heart?
Your beliefs?
The truth?

I am wondering where this line is for all the NO voters in my town. You have the right to vote NO every time a new school is put on the ballot. But I am wondering, what do you expect to happen IF you win on March 11th?
Do you expect the YES voters to go away?
Do you expect us to give up?
No, we will not. 
If that bond gets defeated, we will once again continue the educating of voters with truth and not fear and misinformation. 
From the history of our town, we have been shown that waiting and doing nothing only increases the amount we have to pay when push comes to shove. Unfortunately we are at the shove stage with the school building.

So I am asking each and every No voter in Newmarket....
"Where is your line drawn?"

Will it make a difference if the building is closed down in September 2015? Will that make you consider a new school?
How many more times do you have to be shown the timeline of the school's history and all that has been done since it was built before you will believe it has fulfilled its purpose and needs to be replaced?
How much more misinformation will you generate to keep a new school from being built?
How many reports can be generated with the same information that has been presented before you believe the condition of the school?
How many more times do you expect the school board to approach neighboring communities to hear the same NO response to taking in our students?
Do the parents have to take the town/voters to court over the condition of the building and lack of anything being done to correct it?

Remove the emotion.
Remove your anger towards the school board and the superintendent.
Remove the blinders.
Look at the information that is out there with an unbiased and open mind.
Take a tour of the building, which lost heat over this past weekend.
Look at the size of the classrooms and see how feasible it is to put thirty plus kids in each room. (and all the other issues with the current building) read here for a larger list

Don't only believe what you are being told.
Believe your own eyes.
It is time to build a new school for Newmarket.
It is the ONLY option left for us.

That is my line in the sand.
I am not budging an inch.

1 comment:

  1. The "Me" people aren't going to...Remove the emotion. Remove your anger towards the school board and the superintendent. Remove the blinders. Look at the information that is out there with an unbiased and open mind.

    I sure wish I felt more optimistic about it, but they sound like, whether or not reason and logic smack them point blank in the face, they don't want to fork over the money. Unfortunately, it sounds like those No voters just truly and completely care.

    I care, and I love ya!!
