28 April 2011

vacation week

oh yeah we are on vacation. Of course the first couple days it had to rain and be quite miserable out there. But yesterday.... ah sweet glorious yesterday! It was sunny. I do believe we hit 80. I didn't even bother to look it was so lovely out.

I took the kids to the rec center playground (looks much different when it's not raining and covered with Easter Eggs!!!) and let them run around for two hours! They had a blast and the energy that was released was wonderful!! Had to snap a picture before they started running like mad kids. The after picture was quite different. They were both sweaty and ready for the bath I ran for them when we got home!!

Me on the other hand sitting directly in the sun for two hours with no sunscreen on, ended up a little on the pink side of my paleness. Someday I'll learn and carry sunscreen with me whenever I go out.

Here's today's activity due to the overcast conditions and the darkness that has swallowed us up. Waiting for the thunderstorms to get here. I know they are coming since it is so warm out. Until then, my kitchen table resembles a playdoh factory explosion. So happy it cleans up nicely! And that they are playing together!! Even better.

I went outside to cut some daffodils before the rain came down and washed them away. So pretty!! I think I would have had more if the weather had cooperated at the beginning of the month. I don't think they liked the snow that came down on top of them!! But I'll take what I can get.

Here's hoping your day is as springy as ours. Off to work on a project I really want to get done!!

1 comment:

  1. Holy moses!! I am in AWE over that temperature!! Are you *serious*!!!?? Play-doh ohhhhh Play-doh, where for art thou, Play-doh? It's been a very long time since I've partaken - for shame!! You're a fantastic mom. And I love that vase but am *SWOOOOONING* over those flowers! Oh my sweet heavenly color!!
